Before we can discuss how a default in your credit report can affect your credit score, we first need to establish what a credit score actually is.
Any time you apply for a loan, the lender will take a look at your credit rating before deciding whether to approve your application. Credit scores are usually measured on a scale from 0 to 1,200, with higher scores indicating a lower credit risk. The better your history with loans, the better this score will be. As lenders are notoriously risk-averse, you should aim for the highest score possible. If you have a low credit score, or think it should be higher, it’s time to access credit repair services in Australia.
In essence, a default is an overdue debt. Life is unpredictable, and financial challenges can arise when least expected. Whether it’s a medical emergency, job loss, or other unforeseen circumstances, managing debt is always a delicate balancing act. Unfortunately, missing payments on loans or bills will lead to a default in your credit report. Consumer defaults are debts that have been unpaid by 60 days or more, of $150 or higher. Lenders will list defaults with credit reporting bodies, and will include details of how much you owe and what interest or fees you’ve accrued, minus additional payments you’ve made. Other lenders will be able to see this information if they look into your credit score.
Before the default lands on your credit report, a notice requesting payment must be sent to your last known address to let you know about the overdue status. This could be via post or email depending on how they usually contact you.
The lender must also send a second notice at least 30 days later to inform you that if you don’t make a payment, they intend to disclose the information to a credit reporting body.
The credit provider must wait at least 14 days after issuing the second notice before listing the default.
With this in mind, you should have ample time to become aware of the potential default, pay the overdue invoice, or contact the lender to negotiate a payment arrangement if you’re experiencing hardship.
A default that occurs because the service provider can’t contact you, despite making every reasonable effort to get in touch, is known as a Clearout. This is a more serious default type and will stay on your credit report for 7 years, as opposed to the usual 5 years for a standard default.
If you’ve ever had a wallet or ID stolen, there’s a chance that your credit report includes a default as a result of fraud. It is not unusual for a lender to have mistakenly reported a default against an individual who has had their identity stolen. If there are any defaults on your credit report for loans that you don’t recognise, we’re here to advocate for you.
If you make a request for hardship assistance, a credit provider isn’t allowed to list a default on your credit report while they are in the process of deciding the hardship request. You also have 14 days after they have told you of their decision to refuse your request before they can list a default on your credit report. If you’ve received a default during this period, we can assist you. Keep in mind that a successful hardship request will appear on your credit report for the duration of the arrangement. If the arrangement is permanent, it will be removed from your credit report after 12 months. This hardship arrangement will help protect you from defaults, and shows lenders that you’re proactive about paying off debts.
If the default is unpaid at the time of your no-obligation consultation, we may be able to negotiate with the creditor and reduce the debt at no extra charge. We may also be able to negotiate getting the default removed (often in exchange for setting up a payment plan), even if it was your debt.
Credit enquiries can be listed on a credit report where a consumer makes an enquiry to obtain finance with a credit provider. If you have too many enquiries within a short space of time, this can negatively affect your score and ability to obtain finance; particularly enquiries with payday lenders. There are many instances where credit enquiries are made by credit providers without your express consent or knowledge of the effects of the same. In cases such as these, we can assist you in having some enquiries removed from your credit report.
Credit defaults may cast a shadow, but they don’t have to define your financial future. With Credit Repair Solutions by your side, you can embark on a journey of credit recovery, unlocking doors to financial freedom and opportunities.
Don’t let credit defaults hold you back. Contact Credit Repair Solutions today and take the first step toward a brighter financial future. Your credit comeback starts here!